Art.No. | Packing unit |
39010D | 10-Liter-canister |
39100D | 1000-Liter-EW-IBC |
For rapid disinfection of surfaces also at cool surrounding temperatures
- Confirmed effectiveness according DVG (German Association of Veterinary Medicine) against non-enveloped and enveloped viruses (+ 20°C) and bacteria (13th list dated 01.01.2021)
- Suitable for organic farming (InfoXgen and FiBL listed)
- Decomposes to naturally existing acetic acid, water and oxygen
- listed by IHO (01.04.2021)
- Active agent basis: 15 % Peracetic acid
- baua Reg.-No.: N-15343 (PT 3)
Microbiological assessment:
Range of effectiveness | Test method | Dilution | Exposure time |
Enveloped viruses** | DVG (7b) +20°C | 0.5% | 30 minutes |
Non-enveloped viruses** | DVG (7a) +20°C | 0.5 % | 120 minutes |
Bacteria (special Des.)** | DVG (4a) +10°C | 0.75 % | 30 minutes |
Bacteria (prophylactic Des.)** | DVG (4b) +10°C | 0.25 % | 30 minutes |
Fungi (Yeast)* | EN 1657, EN 16438/hc/+4°C | 0.25 % | 30 minutes |
Tuberculosis bacteria* | EN 14204/hc/+4°C | 1.5 % | 60 minutes |
Spores (Bacillus Subtitis) | EN 13704/hc/+4°C | 0.5 % | 60 minutes |
Use biocides safely. Always read the label and product information before use.